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Read what other patients have said about us:

Steve Thomas, Indianapolis

I have been a patient for about 10 years. I went in for a tooth extraction this week and the process was perfect. We worked diligently to save the tooth over the past 8 months. Dr Jay is always clear and concise on all things related to my personal dental care. This extraction of a rear lower molar was completed and I cannot believe how he planned my prep and healing process. I am in day 2 of healing and I am amazed at the healing of my gum area. All swelling has returned to normal. Thanks to the support staff too! Excellent work everyone!

Sherri L., indianapolis

I have been going to the office for over two years now. The customer service with the staff and Dr. Jay is amazing. The dental work they provide has never disappointed. They have became apart of my family and I am so appreciative of everything they have done for me.

Gary Kindle, murrieta

practice is amazing

Office Location

  • Indianapolis
  • 12110 Pendleton Pike
  • Indianapolis, IN
  • 46236
  • Map & Directions
  • Call: (317) 826-1050